Kwenta State Log

A living document defining the state of Kwenta

8. Grant Agreement for Open Source Software Contribution

Table of Content

  1. Parties
  2. Purpose
  3. Grant Amount
  4. Payment Schedule
  5. Milestone-Based Payments
  6. Monthly Payments
  7. Conditions for Disbursement
  8. Reporting and Documentation
  9. Intellectual Property
  10. Term and Termination
  11. Acceptance


This Grant Agreement ("Agreement") is made between:

  • Grantor: Kwenta, a Decentralized Autonomous Organization ("DAO").
  • Grantee: [Name of Grantee or Developer], an independent contributor.


The purpose of this grant is to support the development and enhancement of open source software. This includes, but is not limited to, coding, documentation, design, and community engagement activities that are beneficial to Kwenta.

Grant Amount

The total amount of the grant is [Amount] [Currency/Token] per month, and further milestone based payments which are paid at the discretion of the Kwenta DAO.

Payment Schedule

Milestone-Based Payments

  • Milestone 1: [Description of Deliverable]
    • Due Date: [Date]
    • Payment: [Amount] [Currency/Token]
  • Milestone 2: [Description of Deliverable]
    • Due Date: [Date]
    • Payment: [Amount] [Currency/Token]
  • Additional Milestones: [Details as needed]

Monthly Payments

  • Monthly Payment: [Amount] [Currency/Token]
    • Disbursement Date: The last day of each month
    • Duration: [Total number of months or end date]

Conditions for Disbursement

Funds will be disbursed either upon successful completion of milestones or on a regular monthly basis, as specified in the payment terms. For milestone-based payments proof of completion must be submitted in the form of documentation, GitHub pull requests and a live demo.

Reporting and Documentation

Grantee agrees to provide weekly/monthly reports outlining progress, which should include:

  • Detailed descriptions of the work completed.
  • Links to relevant repositories, discussions, or documentation related to the work completed.
  • Upcoming objectives and timelines.

Intellectual Property

All contributions made by the Grantee under this Agreement will be licensed under MIT (or similar open source licensing such as GNU GPL v3), ensuring all developments remain open source.

Term and Termination

This Agreement shall commence on [Start Date] and shall [continue until End Date]/[continue on a rolling basis] unless terminated earlier by either party with [number] days written notice. Upon termination, all unearned funds shall be returned to the DAO.


By accepting this grant, the Grantee agrees to all terms and conditions outlined in this Agreement.

[Name and Signature of DAO Representative]

[Name and Signature of Grantee]