Kwenta State Log

A living document defining the state of Kwenta

KIP-126: Add 1bp Order flow Fee to L1 SNX Perps

Simple Summary

Ensure there is a value capture method for L1 Perps on SNX.


Add a 1bp fee to all orders processed through Kwenta for SNX L1 Perps.


SNX will include no fee sharing on L1 and Kwenta is tasked with adding this market to our frontend as one of their closest partners. To ensure alignment in servicing L1 SNX perps, we will add a 1bp fee. This fee will be distributed to the treasury to support maintenance costs of the product with the option to expand use of fee capture in the future.


Add a 1bp fee to all orders on L1 Synthetix perps. The rewards will be sent directly to the L1 Kwenta treasuryDAO Safe at 0xD86ce2D00A3C139e21517E4bB6A55d398E81B79a.

These fees can be used at the treasuryDAOs discretion to ensure operational costs are covered before considering redistributing to KWENTA stakers.